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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Online Mom Community Update

Built on Wisdom
(group name)

Proverbs 14:1~ The wise woman builds her home, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. (NIV 84)

We had a really good response to the Online Community idea and I am so thankful for each of you that contacted me and shared your heart with me, whether it was months ago or recently, I listened to each one of those concerns. Over the last several months, it has laid heavy on my heart.

With our hectic schedules these days, it's hard to find Titus 2 mentors, let alone others who are in similar stages as us. Add to that those of us who homeschool, and well....our days are pretty full. It is my prayer that this time together will draw us closer to our Lord Jesus, and to one another, even though the miles separate us.

We mentioned a Book Club before. I still envision that but want to add a disclaimer: IT IS NOT REQUIRED. Yes, there will be a day when we "discuss" the current book selection, and occasionally other posts about it, but the "book" is only one part of it...and not the biggest part. Not everyone can afford books for all of the many studies they are doing, or even just the one, and I laid awake last night with that on my heart too. So, I took that to heart.

It looks like Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson, won out as the recommended book for our reading this time! There are 14 chapters in this book, as well as a Conclusion. We plan to read 1 Chapter a week, and discuss it. The awesome thing about this book, is that it has a website link, as well as a QR code for your smartphone, for a short video after each chapter. There are also neat applications in the back called "Your Turn" and "Something to Do." Most of these are fairly neutral so even if you are not reading the book with us, grab your Bible and join in! This book is the ULTIMATE book in creating community and searching for mentors. Sally mentored Sarah, and this is what the book was birthed from.

The main idea behind this community is SHARING. Easy recipes, tips, advice, and fun crafts to do with your kids will be shared-many of them based on training your children in the love and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ in a fun way. We will also journey through parts of the Bible together with short reading assignments.Come, pick an activity and then ENJOY the weekend with your family! As I stated in this post, we want this to be a place for you to gather, but not stay all day or all week. We want you out there loving your kiddos. 

The Facebook page will be opening SOON! It's a private group for private discussion. Watch for a post in the coming days for more about the style and schedule.

The full schedule will begin on Friday, July 19th!!!!! That gives you plenty of time if you would like to purchase the OPTIONAL book to go along with the study.

Contact me here, or on my Facebook page for more info!!!

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