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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

B.O.W. Book Club & Schedule

The wise woman builds her house,
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.
~Proverbs 14:1

Hello ladies! Sorry it has been a little quiet around here lately, I have been spending a lot of time in thought and in prayer. Seeking the direction not only for this venture, but my life in general. Many things have been tossed my way and lain heavy on my heart lately. They have required lots of prayer and reflection. I'm still not sure of the answers, but in His time, He will lead me in the way to go. We have also been super busy with a weekend full of fun activities with the kiddos!

As you know, the majority chose Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson as the reading for this time. This is something else that has lay heavy on my heart. Many of us long for a real life mentor, one in the flesh. Busy demands and a change of lifestyle have made this complicated at best. I am a mama in the throws of parenting--my oldest is 15, my youngest is 4. I am right there with you. So many 'virtual' friendships these days. It tugs at my heart. Being a rather shy person in real life, (around new people anyway--I trip over my tongue lol), and not wanting to 'bother' anyone...finding a mentor is a difficult subject. This book touches on that and gives some great advice on how to seek one out.

I am thankful for a lady that I met through a Bible Study at church. While we don't talk quite as much as we used to, or I would like to, I know that I can count on her to give me godly advice and lots of love. We are both in difficult seasons in our lives. She means the world to me. With all of that said, here is the 'tenative' schedule of Built on Wisdom, fondly labeled B.O.W.

The study starts July 19th. On this day, there will be a short introduction.

Hopefully, most weeks will run in this manner:

Saturday~ This is the day that I will post the book reading assignments/extras. We are doing one chapter at a time, so that gives plenty of time during the week so you don't feel rushed/miss out on real life with your family. 

Monday~ Occasionally, Sally Clarkson has a fabulous series on her blog, I Take Joy, called "Mentoring Mondays." From time to time, I will link that series, or something else of inspiration for what we are discussing.

Wednesday~ In the back of the Desperate book, there is a link to a video with Sarah and Sally. This would be a wonderful day to watch that, or you can do it when you finish the chapters

Thursdays~ This will be the day to share FUN stuff! Easy craft ideas, recipes, tips, etc. for the weekend. This gives you plenty of time to get anything that is needed. This is only optional, but makes for some fun times with your kiddos!!

Fridays~ This will be the day for digging deeper. We have a Facebook group started, and if you are interested, you can like my page in the top right corner and let me know there. If not, we will still throw out some questions on the blog. Book/Bible discussions, etc. There are some fabulous questions in the back of the book.

All in all, I want this to be something that draws us close to the Lord and each other, gives fun ideas, and helps us to grow in our roles as mothers. This is part of my heart, you see. Growing in my God given role as a mother, leaning on Him to teach me how.


  1. Such a joy to meet other homeschoolin mommas.

    Delighted to meet you. I hope you don't mind if I splash around to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some serious momma goodness. I would love to have you come and splash other moms as well. (and share this post or another momma favorite) I jot some momma notes on Mondays. But it's a link up when you can (I get the busy filled to the brim momma schedules).

    Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.


    1. So nice to "meet" you and thank you for your kind words! I would love to join in with other moms! Thank you!
