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Friday, February 1, 2013

A Day in the Life: Pre-K and K

As we are gearing up over at Mosaic Reviews for the upcoming year, I am posting a series of 'peeks' into our homeschool days. Today will be a glimpse into the day of a 3 (soon to be 4!!) year old pre-k and 5 year old K'er.
The programs we have chose to use this year are:

  1. My Father's World K--this covers Bible, Science, some phonics, some math, some penmanship classical music and read-alouds so far.. This program is pretty hands-on and the girls have enjoyed it. Each 'week' is broken up into 'Units'. For each unit is a letter, Bible concept and according assignments that particularly link with the Science. We bought two packs of the Student sheets, so each girl gets their own 'binder'.
  2. Explode the Code 1 1/2. This is for my 5 year old. She finished ETC 1 in pre-k 4. She also finished Level 2 Bob Books this year, so we are just having her read from other books and yesterday, she read a passage out of the Bible to us.
  3. Cursive Practice book. She (5 year old) began writing EARLY and begged to learn cursive this year. I don't push it, but let her practice as she wants. She can write her name legibly in cursive, although not 'typical' cursive, but hey! It looks good and she is excited. My 3 year old can write her name in print and we just buy her workbooks to further practice her printing skills, along with what MFW offers.
  4. Kumon workbooks. We use them for many things for both girls. Simple addition, writing, cut and paste, tracing, and numbers. These books are very colorful and available at my local Barnes and Noble.
  5. Math U See practice worksheets website. We print off practice Alpha sheets from the website for the oldest girl to do. She LOVES sitting beside her brother (6th grade who is in Epsilon) and 'doing' Math.
  6. Last year we did a lot of Lapbooks. We haven't done any as of yet this year, but hopefully soon.
  7. The girls have been sitting in with the older boys on Bible time and have either been reading along, or 'telling' us a Bible story as we go. It has worked wonderful!
I cannot believe how big my girls are getting! Many days, my 5 year old wants to know if she can 'move' to first grade. Probably, but not yet sweetie. Actually, she doesn't realize that a lot of her extra work IS first grade work. ;)

Here are some pictures from our days:

Mid year I decided we needed a better way to get organized. Enter the workbox system. This is more for mom this year than the girls. At the top, it has the Teaching Manual's I need, pencils, dry erase markers, Abeka Blend Book and anything else I need. Then, each day is labeled accordingly and all the 'supplemental' worksheets and/or books needed are placed by day. When the day starts, we need only open the drawer and off we go! No more hunting all over for stuff.

This week, we learned a lot about cows. Well, they 'reviewed' about cows. Their Pap, Granny, and Uncle have lots of cows. One of the assignments in MFW was to make homemade butter and taste it. It was really good and really easy to make! Just shake up one pint of whipping cream for 20 minutes and you are done! ALL of the kids got in on the shaking action.

Overall, we have had a pretty good year but will be switching things up a little next year!! 

Stay tuned as the reviews start soon!!!!


  1. Stopping by and following from Mosaics Review team!

  2. I have a Pre-K and K daughter and we are actually doing a lot of the same things you are! Thank you for linking up at Tending The Home Tuesdays!

    1. That is really neat! Thank you for the opportunity to link-up!
